Brake Booster Pump Sub-Assembly with Accum

About this product

The Brake Booster Pump Sub-Assembly with Accum (#47071-47010) is a pivotal component of the Brake Master Cylinder system, playing a crucial role in enhancing the vehicle's braking performance. Under operation, it amplifies the force exerted on the brake pedal, translating into improved stopping power. This part comprises a pump and an accumulator which work harmoniously to store and deliver hydraulic pressure when required. Over time, wear and tear could lead to diminished function, which in turn, could compromise the braking efficiency. A compromised Brake Booster Pump Sub-Assembly can create dangerous driving conditions due to reduced stopping power. To maintain optimal performance and safety, it is essential to replace this part periodically with a genuine Toyota part. Genuine parts are designed to provide perfect compatibility with your vehicle, and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, this part is a key contributor to the overall braking efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 47071-47010

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