Push Nut

About this product

The Push Nut (#SU00304224), a crucial part in Toyota's Body/Emblem & Name Plate systems, plays a primary role in securing emblems or name plates on both the exterior and interior of the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Push Nut (#SU00304224), are designed to work seamlessly with Toyota vehicles, backed by the manufacturer's genuine parts warranty. In operation, the Push Nut (#SU00304224), also known as a push-on retainer, is pushed onto a bolt, shaft or stud to hold an emblem or name plate securely in place. Over time, the Push Nut (#SU00304224) may wear out, corrode or become dislodged, leading to the possible loosening of the attached emblem or name plate. Replacing the Push Nut (#SU00304224) periodically is vital to maintain the aesthetic integrity and safety of your Toyota vehicle, preventing emblems or name plates from becoming hazards on the road. By ensuring your vehicle's components stay secured, the Push Nut (#SU00304224) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU00304224

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