R V Camera Assembly

About this product

The R V Camera Assembly (#SU003-05965) is an essential electrical part in the Camera & Rear Monitor Display system for Toyota vehicles. This part plays a crucial role in improving visibility and, in turn, heightening safety measures. The R V Camera Assembly (#SU003-05965) functions by delivering clear video feed from the car's rear or backup camera to the screen on the dashboard, assisting with parking and reversing maneuvers. Within the assembly are intricate electrical components that work synchronously to transmit video signals. Over time, this assembly may degrade and cease to function efficiently or entirely. This could lead to a lack of visual aid while reversing, posing a potential safety risk. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended. Genuine parts are not only compatible with your vehicle but also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the R V Camera Assembly (#SU003-05965) ensures the Camera & Rear Monitor Display system operates efficiently, promoting safer driving conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-05965

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