5th Gear Bearing Race Inner

About this product

The 5th Gear Bearing Race Inner (#33359-20020), a critical component in the Transmission Gear (Mtm) system, serves a crucial role in your Toyota vehicle's Drive-Chassis operation. Its primary function is to facilitate smooth and efficient rotation of the 5th gear, ensuring precise gear shifting and optimal transmission performance. Components involved in the operation of this part include the main shaft, bearings, gear, and the bearing race itself. Over time, the Bearing Race may wear down, become clogged, or even break. If this occurs, gear operation may become erratic and inefficient, leading to potential transmission failure. Therefore, periodic replacement of the 5th Gear Bearing Race Inner (#33359-20020) with genuine Toyota parts not only aids in vehicle compatibility but also falls under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, this part significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the transmission system, directly influencing your vehicle's performance and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33359-20020

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