Thrust Bearing Race #10

About this product

The Thrust Bearing Race #10 (#35795-78010) is a critical Drive-Chassis part within the Planetary Gear, Reverse Piston & Counter Gear system of Toyota's Automatic Transmission. It plays a primary role in maintaining alignment and reducing friction between moving parts, allowing for seamless gear shifts. Genuine Toyota parts are crucial for ensuring compatibility and optimal performance of the vehicle. As this part wears down, there could be an increase in friction, leading to degraded performance, and even potential system failure. Therefore, it's imperative to periodically replace the Thrust Bearing Race #10 (#35795-78010) as part of regular vehicle maintenance. Remember, genuine Toyota parts are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Overall, the Thrust Bearing Race ensure smooth operation and efficiency within the transmission system, increasing the lifespan and reliability of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35795-78010

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