Roof Side Rail Sub-Assembly Inner Right Hand

About this product

The Roof Side Rail Sub-Assembly Inner Right Hand (#61203-AC010) is a key structural component within Toyota's Side Member system. This Body part offers reinforcement to the vehicle's roof, ensuring optimal protection and stability especially in the event of a rollover. It works in harmony with the rest of the Side Member system, playing a crucial role not only in overall vehicle safety but also in maintaining the vehicle's structural integrity. Periodic replacement of the Roof Side Rail Sub-Assembly Inner Right Hand (#61203-AC010) is essential, as wear and tear over time can compromise its function. A compromised or non-functional part may drastically reduce the structural integrity of the vehicle, potentially leading to increased risk during accidents. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The use of the Roof Side Rail Sub-Assembly Inner Right Hand (#61203-AC010) thus significantly contributes towards the efficiency and safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61203-AC010

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