Transfer Oil Receiver

About this product

The Transfer Oil Receiver (#36119-60020), a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Transfer Gear system of Toyota vehicles, plays a significant role in managing the circulation of oil. This part is responsible for receiving and directing the flow of oil, ensuring efficient lubrication for the gear system. Crucially, it facilitates the smooth operation and longevity of the transfer gear system. As it ages, the Transfer Oil Receiver (#36119-60020) may become clogged or damaged, impairing its function. This can lead to insufficient lubrication, increased friction, and potentially serious damage to the transfer gear system. Consequently, periodic replacements with genuine Toyota parts is vital for maintaining compatibility and optimal performance. Genuine parts, including the Transfer Oil Receiver (#36119-60020), are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering additional reassurance for vehicle owners. Overall, a fully functional Transfer Oil Receiver (#36119-60020) contributes to the efficiency, performance, and safety of a Toyota vehicle's transfer gear system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36119-60020

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