Transfer Oil Receiver

About this product

The Transfer Oil Receiver (#36119-60030) is an integral Drive-Chassis part in the Transfer Case & Extension Housing system of your Toyota vehicle. This key component's function is to receive and direct transmission oil to the required areas within the system. It operates by effectively managing the flow of lubricant, playing a significant role in your vehicle's drivetrain. With time, the Transfer Oil Receiver (#36119-60030) can become worn, clogged, or damaged. This can lead to inefficient oil transfer, causing excessive wear and tear on other drivetrain components. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is critical. Using a genuine Toyota Transfer Oil Receiver (#36119-60030) is advisable as it ensures vehicle compatibility and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This vital part enhances overall drivetrain efficiency and safety, ensuring your vehicle's smooth and reliable operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36119-60030

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