Instrument Panel Side Register Assembly

About this product

The Instrument Panel Side Register Assembly (#55650-0R011-B1), a vital Body part in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, plays a significant role in regulating and directing airflow within the vehicle cabin. As part of its operation, it adjusts the direction and volume of incoming air, promoting comfort and ventilation. This Assembly may require periodic replacement, as over time it can become worn, sticky, or non-functional, which can lead to reduced air flow and increased discomfort. Genuine Toyota parts like the Instrument Panel Side Register Assembly (#55650-0R011-B1) align perfectly with your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By ensuring optimal air direction and flow, this Assembly contributes to the overall comfort and safety of your vehicle's internal environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55650-0R011-B1
Color Name Gray

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