Instrument Panel Register Assembly #4

About this product

The Instrument Panel Register Assembly #4 (#55680-0C021), a crucial component in Toyota's Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system and the Electrical Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays an essential role in controlling air flow and temperature. As part of its operation, this assembly utilizes a series of vents, sliders, and switches to manage and distribute air within the vehicle. Over time, this assembly can become clogged or broken, leading to inconsistent air flow, incorrect temperature readings, or complete system failure. Using genuine Toyota parts provides vehicle compatibility and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of the Instrument Panel Register Assembly #4 (#55680-0C021) is necessary to maintain optimal system performance and vehicle safety. Faulty assemblies can compromise the efficiency of the heating and cooling systems, lead to inaccurate instrument readings, and potentially impact the safety of vehicle occupants.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55680-0C021

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