Fuel Pressure Regulator Assembly

About this product

The Fuel Pressure Regulator Assembly (#23280-75020), a pivotal engine-fuel part in Toyota's Fuel Injection System, plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal fuel pressure. It accomplishes this by regulating the amount of fuel sent to the injector, ensuring stability and efficiency in the vehicle's performance. However, over time, these regulators can become clogged or non-functional due to wear and tear, hindering the vehicle's performance and potentially causing damage to other components. Hence, periodic replacement of this part is crucial to avoid excessive fuel consumption or engine misfires. Using genuine Toyota autparts, which are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, not only provides a perfect fit but also ensures optimal compatibility with your vehicle's system. By contributing to the overall fuel efficiency and safety of your vehicle, the Fuel Pressure Regulator Assembly (#23280-75020) remains a significant component in your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 23280-75020

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