Reinforcement Rocker Panel #1 Right Hand

About this product

The Reinforcement Rocker Panel #1 Right Hand (#61416-AC901) is a crucial body part within Toyota's Side Member system. This panel performs the primary role of providing structural integrity to the vehicle, particularly in the event of a lateral or side impact accident. As part of the side member system, it contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle by absorbing and distributing impact force to minimize passenger injury. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for optimal compatibility with your vehicle, with each genuine part carrying Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As with other body parts, the Reinforcement Rocker Panel #1 Right Hand (#61416-AC901) can experience wear and tear over time. If it becomes old or damaged, it may compromise the vehicle's structural integrity and the safety of its occupants. Consequently, periodic replacement of this part is advised. By providing essential structural support, the Reinforcement Rocker Panel #1 Right Hand (#61416-AC901) significantly contributes to the vehicle's overall safety and efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61416-AC901

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