Front Floor Crossmember Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Front Floor Crossmember Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#57054-33080) is a crucial body part housed within the Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel system of a Toyota vehicle. This component primarily serves to fortify the structural integrity of the vehicle's floor pan, enhancing the rigidity and resilience of the vehicle under various operational conditions. Working in conjunction with other parts of the system, it reinforces the vehicle's base thereby contributing to overall vehicle safety and performance. Periodic replacement of this part is essential as aging, wear, and potential damage can compromise its function, potentially jeopardizing the vehicle's structural stability. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for their compatibility with the vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This component's role in enhancing vehicular strength and safety underlines its importance within the Floor Pan & Lower Back Panel system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 57054-33080

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