Side Member To Floor Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Right Hand

About this product

The Side Member To Floor Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#57608-60080), classified under the Body parts in the Rear Floor Panel & Rear Floor Member system, plays a crucial role in ensuring structural stability of the vehicle. Through constant operation, it supports the side members and floor panel, reinforcing the vehicle's frame. This part has to be regularly replaced as wear and tear could compromise its efficiency. An old or broken Side Member To Floor Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#57608-60080) could lead to a weakened vehicle structure, posing safety risks. Only genuine Toyota parts, like this one, provide the best compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs these parts. In summary, the Side Member To Floor Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#57608-60080) contributes to the vehicle's safety by fortifying its structural integrity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 57608-60080

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