Back Window Opening Reinforcement Left Hand

About this product

The Back Window Opening Reinforcement Left Hand (#61742-52010), a critical component in Toyota's Side Member system, is essential for the proper functioning and safety of the vehicle. Crafted to bolster the rigidity of the vehicle's structure, it specifically supports the back window opening, preventing potential deformation and ensuring the safe and smooth operation of the window mechanism. A genuine Toyota part, it ensures perfect compatibility with your vehicle, and is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. It is vital to replace this part periodically to avoid potential issues. If the part becomes worn, it may compromise the structural integrity of the window opening, leading to a risk of malfunctions or failures. In the grand scheme of things, the Back Window Opening Reinforcement Left Hand (#61742-52010) contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle, reinforcing the structure and ensuring the safe operation of the back window.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61742-52010

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