Back Door Opening Side Reinforcement Right Hand

About this product

The Back Door Opening Side Reinforcement Right Hand (#61743-52080), a vital Body part in the Side Member system of your Toyota, plays a critical role in reinforcing the structure of your vehicle. This part functions by providing additional strength and rigidity to the door opening, enhancing the car's overall safety. This reinforcement interacts with other body parts to create a more solid frame around the doors. As with all vehicle parts, wear and tear can impair the reinforcement's performance over time. If this part becomes old or damaged, the door could potentially become misaligned, resulting in a safety risk. Therefore, periodic replacement is advised. By opting for genuine Toyota parts, you benefit from a perfect fit with your vehicle and the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Remember, using genuine parts can contribute to the optimal operation and longevity of your vehicle's Side Member system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61743-52080

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