Battery Bracket Reinforcement

About this product

The Battery Bracket Reinforcement (#74414-0R030), a critical component in the Battery Carrier system, is responsible for maintaining the secure placement of the vehicle's battery during operation. This part plays a pivotal role in the overall function of this system, providing structural stability and helping to prevent potential movement or dislocation of the battery, which could lead to system malfunction or damage. With time, this part may wear down or break, compromising the secure anchoring of the battery. This can lead to increased vibration damage, battery dislocation or even an electrical system failure. Therefore, periodic replacement with a genuine Toyota part is recommended to assure the highest level of compatibility and performance. Genuine Toyota parts also come with the added reassurance of being covered by Toyota’s parts warranty. In conclusion, the Battery Bracket Reinforcement (#74414-0R030) not only promotes efficient system operation but also contributes to vehicle safety by ensuring the battery remains securely in place.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 74414-78020
Part Number 74414-0R030

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