Belt Anc To Ctr Pillar Reinforcement #3

About this product

The Belt Anc To Ctr Pillar Reinforcement #3 (#61365-60040) is a crucial body part in the Side Member system of your Toyota vehicle. This auto part functions primarily as a sturdy anchor that holds seat belts in place, and reinforces the structural integrity of the vehicle pillars. Its performance is critical in maintaining the safety and stability of the vehicle, especially during sharp turns and sudden stops. Periodic replacement of this part is essential. As it ages, wear and tear can impair its function, causing the seat belts to lose their anchorage and the vehicle pillars to weaken which could lead to a potential safety risk. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Belt Anc To Ctr Pillar Reinforcement #3 (#61365-60040), are designed to ensure compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, these genuine parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Belt Anc To Ctr Pillar Reinforcement #3 (#61365-60040) contributes significantly to the overall safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61365-60040

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