Front Bumper Bar Reinforcement Left Hand

About this product

The Front Bumper Bar Reinforcement Left Hand (#52134-35040) is a crucial component within your Toyota's Headlamp system. It is classified as an electrical auto part that plays a pivotal role in the overall illumination performance and safety of your vehicle. The function of the Front Bumper Bar Reinforcement Left Hand (#52134-35040) involves supporting the headlamp system, particularly during situations where enhanced stability is required. As the Front Bumper Bar Reinforcement Left Hand (#52134-35040) ages or becomes non-functional, the efficiency and safety of your headlamp system can be compromised. This highlights the importance of periodic replacement with genuine parts, which provide superior compatibility with your Toyota vehicle. Additionally, these genuine parts come with the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Beyond its primary role, the Front Bumper Bar Reinforcement Left Hand (#52134-35040) also contributes to the overall safety of your vehicle, as it aids in maintaining the integrity of the headlamp system. Consequently, it plays a role in ensuring optimal visibility during your driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 52134-35040

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