Front Fdr Apron Front Extension Reinforcement Right Hand

About this product

The Front Fdr Apron Front Extension Reinforcement Right Hand (#53743-60050), a key body part in the Front Fender Apron & Dash Panel system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a critical role in maintaining vehicle integrity and safety. Being a component of the structural system, it assists in absorbing and distributing impacts to minimize potential damage to the vehicle and its occupants during a collision. Like all components, aging can lead to diminished performance, risking greater structural damage upon impact. It's advisable to conduct regular checks and replace the part as necessary. Relying on genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility but also comes with the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This reinforcement contributes to overall vehicle safety, thus enhancing the efficiency and dependability of your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 53743-60050

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