Quarter Window Opening Reinforcement Left Hand

About this product

The Quarter Window Opening Reinforcement Left Hand (#61724-12120), a part in Toyota’s Side Member system, plays a crucial role in enhancing the structural integrity of the vehicle. Operating in the body of the car, it reinforces the area around the quarter window, providing added strength and rigidity. Toyota's genuine parts are designed to fit perfectly with your vehicle, and this reinforcement is no exception. Over time, this reinforcement part can wear down or get damaged, affecting its functionality. A worn-out Quarter Window Opening Reinforcement Left Hand (#61724-12120) can compromise the vehicle's structural integrity, potentially posing a safety risk in the event of a collision. Replacing this part when necessary is imperative for maintaining the vehicle's safety standards. This genuine Toyota part is protected by Toyota's parts warranty, giving you peace of mind. By contributing to the vehicle's overall structural strength, the Quarter Window Opening Reinforcement Left Hand (#61724-12120) plays a vital role in the safety and efficiency of your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61724-12120

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