Lower Right Hand Reinforcement S/Y Front Pillar without Pad

About this product

The Lower Right Hand Reinforcement S/Y Front Pillar without Pad (#61108-0C902), a crucial part in the Side Member system of a car's body, plays a principal role in vehicle safety. This particular part is responsible for giving the car’s body structure more strength and rigidity. It can potentially guard the passengers in the event of a side collision by absorbing and distributing the energy from the impact. When this part becomes old, damaged, or non-functional, the integrity of your car's body structure can be compromised, reducing the safety of the passengers. As this is a significant safety concern, it is important to periodically replace this part with genuine Toyota Autoparts that are perfectly compatible with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, the Lower Right Hand Reinforcement S/Y Front Pillar without Pad (#61108-0C902) significantly contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle by providing more strength and rigidity to the car's body.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61108-0C902

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