Hood Lock Hook Reinforcement Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Toyota Hood Lock Hook Reinforcement Sub-Assembly (#53306-WAA01), a key part in the Hood Lock & Hinge system, plays a critical role in securing the hood of the vehicle in place. This auto part establishes a firm connection between the hood and the vehicle frame, thereby preventing accidental or unwanted opening of the hood while the vehicle is in motion. The mechanism of this part involves a robust hook that interlocks with the adjacent assembly, providing strength and stability. Over time, this part can experience wear and tear, which may compromise its function. If it becomes old or broken, the hood could unexpectedly open, posing a significant safety risk. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts not only provides vehicle compatibility but also comes with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Hood Lock Hook Reinforcement Sub-Assembly (#53306-WAA01) contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle, ensuring that the hood remains secure during operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 53306-WAA01

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