Wheel House Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Wheel House Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#61062-02070) of Toyota Autoparts is a pivotal body part in the Side Member system. Its primary function is to enhance the structural rigidity of the wheel house by distributing the load and shock during the vehicle's operation. Comprising brackets and reinforcements, this part is integral to the system's functionality and the overall vehicle's safety. Like all parts, the Wheel House Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#61062-02070) experiences wear and tear, and over time, its structural integrity could be compromised. Consequently, it should be replaced periodically to prevent potential damage to the wheel house and, by extension, the vehicle's stability. By using genuine Toyota parts, you benefit from compatibility with your vehicle and Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Wheel House Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#61062-02070) is a crucial cog in ensuring the Side Member system's effectiveness and contributes significantly to the vehicle's safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61062-02070

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