Roof Si Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Inn Left Hand

About this product

The Roof Si Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Inn Left Hand (#61704-0R030) is a critical auto part in Toyota's Side Member system. This Body part plays a fundamental role in maintaining the vehicle's structural integrity. It provides extra support to the roof, especially during high impact incidents, reducing the risk of roof collapse and enhancing passenger safety. Genuine Toyota parts like this one are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, due to harsh weather conditions or accidents, this part can wear down or become damaged, which could compromise the vehicle's safety structure. Periodically replacing this part is crucial to maintain the car's rigidity and safety levels. The Roof Si Reinforcement Sub-Assembly Inn Left Hand (#61704-0R030) is indeed a vital cog in enhancing the durability and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 61704-42060
Part Number 61704-0R030

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