Auto Curtain Control Relay

About this product

The Auto Curtain Control Relay (#85911-07011), a vital component in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a primary role in regulating the operation of automatic curtains in your vehicle. Built with high precision, this electrical part interprets signals and commands to control the opening and closing of curtains, enhancing your driving experience and safety. This relay is a composite of sensitive electrical contacts and could become less efficient over time due to wear and tear. A malfunctioning Auto Curtain Control Relay (#85911-07011) can disrupt the operation of the curtain control system, causing inconvenience or even compromising safety. Genuine Toyota parts like the Auto Curtain Control Relay (#85911-07011) are designed to match your vehicle's exact specifications. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, they offer peace of mind with their proven quality and durability. In the bigger picture, the Auto Curtain Control Relay (#85911-07011) contributes to the overall comfort, privacy, and safety in your vehicle, making it an indispensable part of your Toyota experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85911-07011

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