Circuit Relay

About this product

The Circuit Relay (#90118-WB705), an essential Electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a critical role in regulating electrical flow within the automobile. When activated, this device directs electrical currents to specific parts of the vehicle, ensuring optimal performance. It's composed of a coil and a set of contacts, working together to control electrical functions. Like all parts, Circuit Relay (#90118-WB705)s age and may become faulty over time. If a Circuit Relay (#90118-WB705) is old or broken, it could lead to erratic or non-responsive electrical functions, affecting overall vehicle performance. When replacement is needed, always choose genuine Toyota parts. These are designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Circuit Relay (#90118-WB705) contributes significantly to the vehicle's electrical efficiency and safety, making it a vital component of the system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90118-WB759
Part Number 90118-WB705

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