Cleaner Control Relay

About this product

The Cleaner Control Relay (#85942-60040), a key component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of a vehicle, plays a crucial role in managing and controlling the cleaning process. It operates by triggering the cleaner to function at appropriate times, ensuring optimal performance of your vehicle. Over time, this relay may wear out, become clogged, break, or become non-functional which could lead to inefficient cleaning, affecting the overall performance and safety of the vehicle. Using genuine Toyota parts improves vehicle compatibility, while also being backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. It is recommended to replace the Cleaner Control Relay (#85942-60040) periodically to maintain the efficiency of the system. A properly functioning Cleaner Control Relay (#85942-60040) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85942-60040

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