Headlamp Retainer Relay

About this product

The Headlamp Retainer Relay (#85961-30050), an essential component in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a critical role in managing your vehicle's headlight operation. This electrical part is instrumental in controlling the on and off switching of your vehicle's headlights, contributing directly to your safety on the road. Over time, like any other part, the Headlamp Retainer Relay (#85961-30050) can wear out or become damaged, affecting the reliability and functioning of your headlights. If it becomes old or broken, the headlights may not work correctly, posing a potential safety risk. To maintain the compatibility and performance of your Toyota, it is recommended to replace this part with genuine Toyota Autoparts, which are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Headlamp Retainer Relay (#85961-30050) not only ensures effective headlight operation but also contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85961-30050

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