Integration Relay with Door Control

About this product

The Integration Relay with Door Control (#82641-02131) is an integral part of the Switch & Relay & Computer system in Toyota vehicles. It plays a pivotal role in managing the electrical flow needed for the door control functionalities. This includes the power locking and unlocking mechanism, ensuring smooth operation. As an authentic Toyota part, it ensures superior compatibility with the vehicle's electrical system. Plus, it is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind to the user. However, like any electrical component, it is not immune to natural wear and tear. Over time, it can become less effective, broken, or even non-functional. When this happens, there is a risk of door control malfunctions which can lead to safety concerns. Replacing the Integration Relay with Door Control (#82641-02131) periodically can help maintain its performance. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficiency of the door control system and contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 82641-02130
Part Number 82641-02131

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