Light Control Relay

About this product

The Light Control Relay (#85916-30060), a fundamental component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of Toyota vehicles, has a vital role in managing the functioning of the car's lights. As an Electrical part, the Light Control Relay (#85916-30060) switches power to the vehicle's headlamps, tail lamps, and interior lights upon receiving a signal from the light switch. Over time, like all auto parts, the Light Control Relay (#85916-30060) may become less effective or non-functional requiring replacement with a genuine Toyota part for optimal compatibility. Genuine Toyota parts are enhanced by the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. When a worn-out or broken Light Control Relay (#85916-30060) isn't promptly replaced, it may lead to failure in the vehicle's lighting system, thereby compromising safety during night driving or adverse weather conditions. Consequently, maintaining this part in good condition is vital for the car's efficiency and overall safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85916-30060

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