Room Lamp Control Relay

About this product

The Room Lamp Control Relay (#85965-62010), an essential electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a crucial role in managing the interior illumination of your Toyota vehicle. Operating within a network of electrical components, this relay switches the power on and off to the room lamps. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts aids in maintaining proper vehicle compatibility. Moreover, old or non-functional relays can lead to erratic lighting behavior, diminishing visibility inside the vehicle during low visibility conditions. Consequently, periodic replacement is advisable. Genuine parts from Toyota are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing extra reassurance. Overall, the Room Lamp Control Relay (#85965-62010) is paramount for not only the aesthetic appeal of the vehicle's interior, but also for the safety and comfort of the passengers, ensuring a well-lit cabin at all times.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85965-62010

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