Towing Converter Relay

About this product

The Towing Converter Relay (#81985-60040), an essential component within the Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a vital role in managing the electrical functions of your Toyota vehicle while towing. This part regulates the power supply to the trailer's lights, ensuring they synchronize correctly with the vehicle's indicators and brake signals. Over time, this part can wear out or become damaged, affecting its performance. The risk includes inconsistent power supply to the trailer's lights, impacting the safety and reliability of your vehicle while towing. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended. These genuine parts offer precise compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In sum, the Towing Converter Relay (#81985-60040) contributes significantly to the overall safety of your Toyota vehicle, particularly when it is used for towing purposes. It ensures the effective and efficient operation of your trailer's electrical systems, enhancing your driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81985-60040

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