Remanufactured Compressor with Clutch

About this product

The Remanufactured Compressor with Clutch (#88310-06091-84), a critical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Compressor system, serves a vital role in regulating the refrigerant flow, thus ensuring a comfortable cabin environment. As the engine runs, the clutch engages the compressor, initiating refrigerant circulation. This process is essential for the cooling function of the vehicle's air conditioning system. However, like all auto parts, this compressor and clutch assembly doesn’t last indefinitely and must be replaced as performance degrades with age and use. Prolonged usage, leading to a worn-out or malfunctioning compressor, can result in inefficient cooling and compromised cabin comfort. By using genuine Toyota parts, such as this remanufactured compressor with clutch, you are investing in parts designed for your vehicle's compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Thus, this part significantly contributes to the system's overall efficiency and the vehicle's comfort level.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88310-06091-84

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