Resistor Assembly

About this product

The Resistor Assembly (#SU003-02515) is a crucial electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle. This assembly functions by regulating the flow of electricity within the system, ensuring that each component receives the correct amount of power for optimal function. As time progresses, the Resistor Assembly (#SU003-02515) can become worn down or damaged, affecting its ability to properly regulate electrical current. This could lead to an influx or reduction of power to various vehicle components, potentially causing significant damage or subpar performance. To mitigate such risks, it's advised to replace the Resistor Assembly (#SU003-02515) periodically. Opting for genuine Toyota parts guarantees compatibility with your vehicle and comes with Toyota's authentic parts warranty. By maintaining a healthy Resistor Assembly (#SU003-02515), the vehicle's electrical systems operate more efficiently, leading to better overall performance and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02515

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