Cooling Fan Resistor

About this product

The Cooling Fan Resistor (#85928-12010), an integral part of the Switch & Relay & Computer system in Toyota vehicles, plays a critical role in controlling the current supplied to the cooling fan. It adjusts the speed of the fan by altering the voltage, thereby ensuring optimal engine temperature. This electrical component is an essential part of maintaining engine efficiency and safety. Over time, the Cooling Fan Resistor (#85928-12010) can become worn or clogged, impairing its performance. A faulty resistor may lead to overheating or overcooling, potentially resulting in costly engine damage. Regular replacement is recommended to maintain optimal functioning. By using genuine Toyota Autoparts, vehicle compatibility is maintained and your purchase is backed by Toyota's Genuine Parts Warranty. Moreover, this part works in tandem with other components, like the engine control unit, to provide you with a safe and efficiently running vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85928-12010

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