Running Light Resistor

About this product

The Running Light Resistor (#82695-20010), a crucial electrical component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a vital role in regulating the flow of electrical current to the running lights. Operating like a dam for electricity, it modulates the intensity of the running lights, balancing brightness and power usage. As with any auto part, over time, the Running Light Resistor (#82695-20010) may wear out or become damaged and it's necessary to replace it. Old or damaged resistors can cause your running lights to malfunction, which poses a safety risk. Genuine Toyota parts offer a high level of vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing your Running Light Resistor (#82695-20010) with a genuine Toyota part will maintain the efficiency of your vehicle's electrical system and the safety of your lighting system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82695-20010

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