1-Way Clutch Retainer

About this product

The 1-Way Clutch Retainer (#35793-22011), a critical Drive-Chassis part, is positioned in the Center Support & Planetary Sun Gear system of an Automatic Transmission. Its fundamental role is to ensure that the clutch assembly works correctly by restricting the clutch's motion to a single direction. This one-way movement helps in delivering a smooth and efficient transmission of power from the engine to the wheels. Like any other component, this retainer is subject to wear and tear. If it becomes old, broken, or non-functional, the clutch assembly may malfunction leading to erratic gear shifts and ultimately, transmission failure. Opting for Toyota's genuine 1-Way Clutch Retainer (#35793-22011) will not only ensure perfect compatibility with your vehicle but also comes under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the integrity of the transmission system, this part significantly boosts the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 35662-22010;35793-22010
Part Number 35793-22011

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