Back Door Stay Retainer Left Hand

About this product

The Back Door Stay Retainer Left Hand (#68982-0D010), a critical part of the Side Member system in Toyota vehicles, serves as a support for the back door. The main function of this Body part is to hold the door in place, preventing it from swinging or bouncing while the vehicle is in motion. It is a small but integral component that ensures the door's smooth operation and provides additional safety and stability. Like any other auto part, the Back Door Stay Retainer Left Hand (#68982-0D010) can deteriorate over time, necessitating periodic replacement. Failing to replace a worn-out retainer could lead to the back door not staying put, causing potential safety hazards. Choosing genuine Toyota Autoparts for replacement is imperative as they are designed to fit perfectly onto your vehicle, providing optimal performance. Moreover, they are covered under Toyota’s genuine parts warranty. In sum, the Back Door Stay Retainer Left Hand (#68982-0D010) is not just crucial for the vehicle's safety but also contributes to the overall efficiency of the Side Member system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 68982-0D010

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