Booster Sea Retainer

About this product

The Booster Sea Retainer (#44645-22020), a critical component in the Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system of your Toyota's Drive-Chassis, maintains the pressure balance essential for optimal brake performance. This integral part, when functioning properly, regulates the hydraulic fluid pressure that allows for smooth and responsive braking. However, like all parts, the Booster Sea Retainer (#44645-22020) can deteriorate over time, leading to a loss of brake effectiveness if not replaced. A non-functional or aging Booster Sea Retainer (#44645-22020) could lead to brake failure, posing serious safety risks. That's why Toyota recommends using only genuine parts, which are designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle. These parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing extra peace of mind. Replacing your Booster Sea Retainer (#44645-22020) as needed ensures your vehicle's brake system continues to function at its best, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 44645-22020

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