Diaphragm Retainer

About this product

The Diaphragm Retainer (#44643-20800), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system of a Toyota car, functions to secure the brake booster diaphragm in place. This boosts the brake system by multiplying the force exerted by the driver's foot, thereby enhancing the braking efficiency. Genuine Toyota parts like the Diaphragm Retainer (#44643-20800) are designed to offer precise compatibility with your vehicle. As the Diaphragm Retainer (#44643-20800) ages, it may wear out, possibly leading to brake failure or other issues like inefficient braking. This increases the risk of accidents significantly. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is highly recommended. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the Diaphragm Retainer (#44643-20800) contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's braking system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 44643-20800

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