Door Trim Retainer

About this product

The Door Trim Retainer (#67771-12020), a critical component in Toyota's Body Front Door Panel & Glass, Inside Trim Board & Door Opening Trim Moulding, and Rear Door Panel & Glass systems, affixes the door trim to the body of the vehicle. This component acts as a securing agent, holding the trim in place, providing a clean aesthetic and acting as a buffer to protect the door's interior components. Over time, the retainer can weaken or break, leading to loose or rattling trim, possibly exposing the inside of the door to damage. Genuine Toyota Door Trim Retainer (#67771-12020) replacements, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, are recommended to maintain vehicle compatibility and protection. Overall, this component contributes to the safety and aesthetic appeal of the vehicle by securing the door trim firmly in place.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67771-12020

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