Door Trim Retainer

About this product

The Door Trim Retainer (#67771-14030), a crucial component in the Body Front Door Panel & Glass and the Body Inside Trim Board systems of a Toyota vehicle, plays a vital role in securing the door trim to the door panel. In operation, it firmly clasps the door trim, preventing any unwanted movement or rattling, thus maintaining the vehicle's aesthetic and operational integrity. As a part of regular maintenance, replacement of the Door Trim Retainer (#67771-14030) is recommended to prevent loosening or failure due to wear and tear, which can lead to the detachment of the door trim and potential damage to the door. Opting for genuine Toyota Door Trim Retainer (#67771-14030)s over aftermarket products affords compatibility with your specific vehicle model, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This crucial part significantly enhances the overall efficiency and safety of the systems it is installed in, maintaining the sleek look of your car while securing the door trim in place.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 67771-03010
Part Number 67771-14030

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