Door Weatherstrip Retainer

About this product

The Door Weatherstrip Retainer (#67867-0D060), a key component in the Body Front Door Panel & Glass and Body Rear Door Panel & Glass systems of your Toyota vehicle, plays a crucial role in preserving the integrity of the car's interior. This part holds the door weatherstrip in place, which is essential in preventing water, dirt, and noise from infiltrating the car. When functioning properly, it helps maintain a comfortable and serene environment within the vehicle. Over time, the retainer may become worn or damaged, which could compromise the effectiveness of the weatherstrip. This could lead to water leakage or increased noise inside the car. Hence, periodic replacement of the Door Weatherstrip Retainer (#67867-0D060) is recommended for optimal performance. By using genuine Toyota parts, you can maintain the proper fit and function, as well as compatibility with your vehicle. Moreover, these genuine parts come with a warranty from Toyota, providing you with confidence in their quality and durability. In conclusion, the Door Weatherstrip Retainer (#67867-0D060) is vital in maintaining the overall comfort and quietness of the ride, thus contributing to the superior driving experience provided by Toyota vehicles.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 67867-52010
Part Number 67867-0D060

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