Front Body Pillar Retainer Lower Inner Left Hand

About this product

The Front Body Pillar Retainer Lower Inner Left Hand (#61172-52010), a critical body part within Toyota's Side Member system, serves a fundamental role in maintaining the structural integrity of your vehicle. It works by reinforcing the body pillars, contributing to the rigidity of the vehicle's frame. Genuine Front Body Pillar Retainer Lower Inner Left Hand (#61172-52010) parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, are essential for vehicle compatibility and optimal performance. If this part becomes old, broken, or non-functional, it may compromise the structural stability of the vehicle, potentially leading to safety risks in harsh driving conditions or collisions. Hence, periodic replacement is crucial. This auto part significantly enhances the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle, offering steadfast support to the body pillars and ensuring a mechanically sound driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 61172-52010

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