Front Bumper Extension Retainer #1

About this product

The Front Bumper Extension Retainer #1 (#52115-0R010), a crucial body part belonging to the Front Bumper & Bumper Stay system, plays a pivotal role in keeping the bumper extension in place. This retainer functions by gripping and securing the bumper extension, ensuring a stable and firm connection within the system. As parts of a complex mechanical system, it's vital to regularly replace these retainers. A worn or broken Front Bumper Extension Retainer #1 (#52115-0R010) can compromise the stability of the bumper extension, impacting the system's overall performance, and potentially leading to damage or loss of the bumper itself. By utilizing genuine Toyota parts, vehicle compatibility is optimized and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Front Bumper Extension Retainer #1 (#52115-0R010) is consequently indispensable to the overall safety and efficiency of the system, keeping everything intact and functioning as intended.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 52115-30120
Part Number 52115-0R010

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