Front Door Scuff Plate Retainer

About this product

The Front Door Scuff Plate Retainer (#67921-95501), a vital component in Toyota's Body Floor Mat & Silencer Pad system, Body Inside Trim Board system, and Body Inside Trim Board & Door Opening Trim Moulding system, serves a significant role in maintaining the integrity of these systems. It operates by securely holding the Door Scuff Plate in place, thus inhibiting unwanted movement and maintaining the vehicle's aesthetic and protective features. However, this part, like most auto parts, is not invincible and will degrade over time, particularly in harsh environments. If left unattended, an old or broken Front Door Scuff Plate Retainer (#67921-95501) could lead to malfunctions in the above systems, adversely affecting vehicle performance. Hence, to extend the vehicle's life, it's advisable to replace this part periodically. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Front Door Scuff Plate Retainer (#67921-95501), in pristine condition, contributes to both the efficiency and safety of the vehicle, enhancing your driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67921-95501

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