Fuel Tank Filler Pipe Retainer

About this product

The Fuel Tank Filler Pipe Retainer (#77215-51010) is a crucial component in the Fuel Tank & Tube system of Toyota vehicles. This Body part is primarily tasked with securing the filler pipe to the fuel tank, thus playing an instrumental role in maintaining the integrity of the fuel system. A non-functional or broken retainer can cause fuel leaks, leading to both efficiency issues and potential safety risks. Periodic replacement is critical as it can prevent these problems. Toyota recommends using genuine parts for assured compatibility and performance. Furthermore, all genuine parts are supported by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. In conclusion, the Fuel Tank Filler Pipe Retainer (#77215-51010), though small, contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle by preventing fuel leakage and ensuring seamless operation of the fuel system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 77215-51010

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