Instrument Cluster Ctr Finish Panel Retainer

About this product

The Instrument Cluster Ctr Finish Panel Retainer (#55416-60030), a crucial component in the Armrest & Visor system, plays a pivotal role in securing the instrument cluster finish panel, thus maintaining the system's structural integrity. Genuine Toyota parts, including this retainer, align perfectly with the vehicle's design - an essential aspect for optimal compatibility. Furthermore, Toyota backs all genuine parts with their parts warranty. The periodic replacement of this retainer is necessary. Over time, it may wear out, break, or lose its ability to hold the panel securely. A compromised retainer can cause instability in the instrument cluster panel, potentially leading to system inefficiencies or safety concerns. In conclusion, the Instrument Cluster Ctr Finish Panel Retainer (#55416-60030) is a small but significant part that contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle, reinforcing the importance of regular replacements and the value of Toyota's genuine parts.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55416-60030

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