Instrument Panel Under Tray Wall Retainer

About this product

The Instrument Panel Under Tray Wall Retainer (#55626-12050), an integral body part within the Console Box & Bracket system, is pivotal in maintaining the structure and integrity of your Toyota vehicle's internal console area. It works by securing the tray wall in place, preventing any unnecessary movement or shifting that could disrupt the operation of the vehicle's systems. Like any other part, it is subject to wear and tear; if the Retainer becomes aged or broken, the stability of the console box can be compromised, potentially affecting other connected systems. Using genuine Toyota parts help maintain vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Moreover, the Instrument Panel Under Tray Wall Retainer (#55626-12050) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle, ensuring the console box and its elements perform optimally and securely.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55626-12050

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